13th Nov (first day of Ani-bullying week)
Whole School Anti-Bullying assembly and ‘Odd Socks Day’ to celebrate individuality
Later in the year – HMS will be taking part in a pilot scheme developed by FANE to help vulnerable pupils through major life transitions (changing schools, family changes, life events). Pupils will be identified and put forward by HoY and form tutors (open to all year groups).

The anti-bullying initiative at HMS is a central part of the school’s beliefs and to that end, we have termly events/activities to ensure that this is at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
There are individual, group, whole class and year group activities and exercises regularly embedded into the curriculum to ensure that the school and all of its pupils and staff are aware of the importance of anti-bullying in the school environment.
Mrs T Hetherington
Anti-Bullying Lead