Our Vision: “To encourage children to be aspirational, successful and well prepared for the next steps of education and the adult world”

Highfield Middle School is committed to encourage children to be aspirational, successful and well prepared for the next steps of education and the adult world.

We provide a range of opportunities for students from Year 5 all the way through to Year 8 to engage with the world of higher/further education, training, and work. Opportunities such as external speakers, virtual events, university visits, enterprise opportunities and our careers club ensure that our students develop the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to thrive once they leave us. The opportunities, experiences and events are tailored to suit the varied needs and interests of our students.

The Highfield Middle School careers programme is led by Mr R. Mills. If you have any queries about careers, higher education, or work experience, please contact Mr Mills on 01661 833922 or email [email protected]

Information for Pupils:

We want to make sure that you have access to a good quality Career’s education at Highfield.  We plan to show you what options are available and encourage you to aspire to reach your full potential. We want to provide you with many opportunities during your time at Highfield so that you have a good understanding of what is available to you and where to find key information so that you can be successful. You will have access to a range of activities to inspire you including, employer talks, enterprise activities, motivational talks as well as a range of guest speakers within school.

In year 7 and 8 you will be able to join Careers Club where you will be able to find out more about options available to you after you leave Highfield. You will also be able to independently find information about subjects and careers you are interested in.

Information for Parents:

Our school policy is based on the ‘Careers Strategy’ published by the DfE, and will use the Gatsby Benchmarks as a framework for good practice. Careers education does not just mean informing students about their options after school but also how their school career will affect their future. It is our statutory duty to ensure that all pupils receive independent, impartial advice and guidance regarding all options within school and how they will affect their options after school and which career pathways will become available to them.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are:

How can you help? As they make choices and plans for the future, young people need support from the people who know them best; their families. Talk to your child about careers they are interested in. Find out what they know already and encourage them to explore online careers resources, or even speak to people about their careers.

We have links with a local business, Quantum Controls, and pupils are given the opportunity to take part in a number of careers activities such as Careers Speed Dating where they are able to meet employers from a range of careers. (If you are interested in taking part in this event please email: [email protected]

LMI (Labour Market Information)

In order for your child to make informed decisions about their future career, it is important to be aware of LMI. LMI relates to information regarding the various growth industries in our region. We provide LMI information in assemblies, lessons and events and employer engagement  in order for children to get a better awareness of where the opportunities might be once they leave education.

The four largest growth sectors in the North East are: Advanced Manufacturing, Digital, Energy and Health and Life Sciences.

To find out more about LMI visit the following website https://ambition.northeast-ca.gov.uk/

or watch this short video about careers in our region:


Have a go at the Skillsometer Widget below to find out more about headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.

Key information for Employers

We are interested and open to new employers interested in coming in to support our careers programme at Highfield. Please get in touch if you have anything to offer.

Career and Job Information

Please use the following websites to find out further information about careers:






Mr R Mills
Careers lead
Next review of the information published: Jan 25