At Highfield, we are determined that every pupil is given the opportunity to succeed and to become fluent and confident in their application of mathematics.
We teach our pupils to have high expectations of what they can achieve by promoting a ‘can do’ attitude to mathematics where all pupils are enabled to engage with the full curriculum. Topics are interleaved and revisited throughout the curriculum in order to aid retention. We plan to embed a deep understanding of mathematical concepts using a mastery approach which exposes the structures and connections within the subject. To ensure our curriculum is fully inclusive, we support pupils on this journey by adapting teaching to take account of their needs as learners and by using concrete and pictorial representations to help them make sense of their learning; pupils are challenged to progress to more abstract understanding of the concepts as they gain confidence.
We ensure a broad curriculum through which we aim to equip our pupils with an understanding of mathematics which is transferable to a variety of contexts and which prepares them well for their future education and for success later in life; we relate learning to real-life and promote links to other subjects such as science, technology and geography. By doing so our pupils gain an appreciation that the concepts, skills and problem solving strategies learned through studying mathematics are essential to everyday life.
At key stage 2, the curriculum focuses largely on numerical fluency. Teachers take account of pupils’ prior knowledge of place value and the number system so that they can build on this to include larger integers. Pupils develop their understanding of the connections within fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. Secure recall of key facts is ensured to support the ability to deal with increasingly complex problems demanding efficient written and mental methods of calculation. Pupils develop resilience and are encouraged to be flexible and creative in their approaches to problem solving. They are introduced to algebra and extend their knowledge of geometry, measures and statistics. They are taught to look for patterns and use correct mathematical vocabulary in order to explain their reasoning.
At key stage 3, pupils maintain their numerical fluency as number skills are regularly revisited and further developed. They encounter new content in geometry, measures and statistics and develop their understanding of algebra as a means for representing and solving a variety of problems. Pupils are introduced to probability for the first time. They increase their ability to reason and think mathematically and continue to build resilience as they encounter increasingly more challenging problems. Pupils who demonstrate secure fluency are encouraged to apply their understanding to deeper and mathematically richer problems. Academic excellence is encouraged as pupils aspire to think and work like a mathematician: using conventional geometric and algebraic notation, setting out their work using formal structures and communicating ideas using precise mathematical language.
When pupils leave Highfield we are determined that they will be fluent, resilient, curious, adaptable and mathematically articulate
Maths Homework
We use Doodle Maths and written homework
The Doodle Maths Website can be accessed via the link below.